We’re not a science’y family. Far from it. Tim & Bev studied history, Chris studied business & French, Daisy studied landscape architecture, and Matleena studied music business. Suffice to say that numbers and maths aren’t our strongest subjects!
We do, however, know the importance of keeping good records and data, and even we can spot trends and the importance of some correlations.
The below is our first infographic based on some data we collected over 2019. This is by no means everything we have, but rather some of the more interesting data for customers and industry folk-alike.

To flesh out some of the numbers above:
- We have no distributor, and sell all of our wine directly. That’s why we’re particularly glad to see overall sales go up.
- Branwen has proved to be an unbelievable success. 68% sold from September to December 31st. No pressure to make another good vintage then…!
- Part of the 2018’s success stems from having our own winery and focussing on reducing unecessary intervention. We’re proud to have reduced our sulphite usage, and have opened our wines up to those who are sensitive to it. We have also reduced spraying in the vineyard by about 60% since moving in.
- It’s hard to believe that the first day of harvest has been on the exact same date 3 years in a row now! Will 2020 be the same?
- 2019 was around an average year in terms of yield. Slightly lower perhaps. Hopefully this will make a smaller amount of good wine (as that’s all that really matters for us).
- We’ve seen ever increasing interest in our brand – both in terms of online interactions and attendance on our tours. Interestingly, visitors to our shop were down this year, but we can perhaps correlate that to awful weather, and more of these people deciding to attend a tour than just come to shop. Either way, we came out fine (if not better)
- We are consistantly amazed by the wealth of wildlife in our woodland and up on our vineyard. Daisy, Tim, & Matleena’s efforts have had an amazing, positive impact on our biodiversity.
We’ve seen a lot of interest in this infographic as it’s often hard to find non-sales related, and non-technical data on vineyards. We will try to make these a semi regular occurrence. A big thank you to Daisy for designing it for us.