
A warm welcome

Astley Vineyard - cellar door shop 2020

In the Heart of England...

In peaceful Worcestershire...

45 minutes south of Birmingham...

Close to the riverside town of Stourport...

1 mile up from the winding River Severn...

Down an unassuming country road...

Past an ancient oak tree...

Is a sign to one of the oldest vineyards in the UK.

Here, grapes are grown, wine is made, wine is sold, and a family is trying to do something special,

Somewhere special.

This is Astley Vineyard.

Shop Opening Hours

Friday to Sunday every weekend

10.30 am until 4 pm

Tours must be prebooked

Appointments welcome. Please contact us.

VW Tourism Awards Winners 2023-24 Winner of Winners (2)
VW Tourism Awards Winners 2023-24 Ethical-Responsible-Sustainable (1)
65029 VW Tourism Awards Winners Banner

Our cosy, but stylish cellar door is a place to connect with the people that make your wine. Feel free to visit us during opening hours. Well behaved dogs & children are welcome.

Please note we do not have a café or any restaurant facilities.

Access to the vineyard is by appointment only.

We do not have a dedicated receptionist, so please email us or leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Shepherd hut enquiries can also contact us below.


The Haywood family

01299 822907

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