Shepherd Huts – Terms & Conditions

Please take a minute to read our Terms & Conditions, which outline our obligations to you & your responsibilities to us. By making a booking with Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts, you agree that:

- You have read these Terms & Conditions and agree to be bound by them;

- The lead name on the Booking will be the person responsible for the booking and shall be responsible for paying the full price, for making any amendment and cancellation requests and for the payment of any additional charges. The lead name accepts these Terms & Conditions on behalf of all persons in the booking.

- You consent to our use of your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy

- You are over 18 years of age, and all members of your party are over 18 years of age

  1. Booking and payments

Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts’ online booking system enables guests to make bookings 24 hours a day. To confirm your booking, you must pay the full amount on the day of booking. Credit card details will be held on file to cover any potential damages or other costs. Upon receipt of payment, we will send you confirmation of your booking via email.

All booking payments will be subject to the cancellation policy as outlined below.

1.1 In order to confirm your chosen booking, you must pay full payment at the time of booking.

1.2 Once your booking is confirmed, a contract between you and Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts will exist. This booking confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours and will contain the details of your booking and of payments made. If you have not received your booking confirmation email within the specified time, please notify us as soon as possible by email. Please check your confirmation carefully and report any incorrect or incomplete information to us immediately. We have no responsibility for any errors in any documentation except where an error is made by us.

1.3. It is your responsibility to ensure payment is successfully completed and you should contact us to arrange for alternative payment method if necessary. Bookings using a credit/debit card must be made by, or with the consent of the cardholder. If the automated payment does not successfully go through as there is a problem with your card, such as it is expiring, then we will contact you to try and take alternative payment. If you do not make complete the payment due to Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts, we will cancel your booking and terminate the contract with you.

1.4 Credit Card payments are processed via Paypal who provide merchants services facilities to Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts.

1.5 Whilst we do not normally take a security / damages deposit, we do reserve the right to take a holding deposit of £250 for any booking in exceptional circumstances. This decision is made at our discretion. Deposits would be taken by way of a credit/debit card and are refunded once all keys are returned, and the property is checked over for damages.

1.6 Valid credit/debit card details must be supplied at the time of booking, in the event of damages to the property these card details will be used to charge the appropriate amount. We reserve the right to deduct from the relevant credit/debit card, without prior notice, all amounts chargeable under these conditions.

1.7 Interest on any overdue amounts shall accrue from the date when payment becomes due. From day to day, until the date of payment, at a rate of 5% above Lloyds Bank base rate in force at the time and shall accrue at such a rate after, as well as before any judgement.

  1. Cancellation by You

2.1 If you must, or want to cancel or amend your booking, this request must be sent to us in writing and will be considered and responded to within two working days of receipt. Please ensure that you have received written confirmation from us of any changes to your booking prior to travel. Whilst we will always try to help, we cannot guarantee that such requests will be met. Repeated or excessive amendments may incur a £25 administration charge.

2.2 All bookings are automatically non-refundable if cancelled within 30 days of the start of the booking unless otherwise agreed by us and confirmed in writing.

2.3 If a refund is agreed by us, it will be issued in the same form as the original payment was made. Therefore, if a gift voucher was used to book your stay, the refund will be back onto a new gift voucher.  Alternatively, if you paid in cash, your refund will be processed in the currency of the booking. Where this is different to the currency of the payment card, this will be converted at the current exchange rate on the day of the refund.

2.4 If extreme weather prevents you from reaching your holiday, taking, or finishing your holiday, you are still subject to these cancellation terms as outlined above. We strongly recommend that you take out a travel insurance policy which covers this eventuality. In the event of the property becoming unavailable (such as due to fire or flooding), we will refund all monies paid, or a proportion in the case of curtailment. Astley Vineyard Shepherds Huts cannot, however, pay any compensation or expenses because of such an event.

2.5 Cancellation insurance is available to purchase from many providers but will be a third-party arrangement and not involve Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts. You are strongly recommended to take out personal travel insurance for all members of your party, including for illness and cancellation due to Covid-19. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover is adequate for your needs, including cancellation and curtailment.

2.6 If you fail to check-in on your date of arrival your booking will be cancelled, and no refund will be due.

  1. Amendments to your booking, requested by you

3.1 If a guest wishes to amend a booking (eg. dates of stay, accommodation required, check in/out time), we will make all reasonable efforts to comply with the request. However the guest maybe charged for any additional charges incurred.

3.2 If we can fulfil your request to amend your booking, any differences in price as a result of the amendment, will be paid by you in the case of an increase and refunded to you in the case of a decrease in price, e.g. amending your booking from low season to high season.

3.3 In the event that a date swap is offered, this will normally be agreed with a set time frame to rebook and sometimes a credit against a future stay will be offered. The credit can only apply to a stay at the same space as originally booked.

3.4 If a date swap is offered, then the Terms and Conditions applied at the time of your original booking will still apply.

  1. Insurance

You are strongly recommended to take out personal travel insurance for all members of your party for your holiday. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover is adequate for your needs, including cancellation and curtailment for any reason. Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on holiday.

  1. Cancellations and amendments by us

We may have to cancel or amend a booking due to events outside of our reasonable control (see clause 26). In such circumstances, we will make every effort to organise an alternative booking date. If this is not possible, we can offer a refund of the booking fee. However, in these circumstances, we will have no further liability to you.

  1. Your Responsibilities

6.1 By booking accommodation with us, you have a contract with us as owner of Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts. As such, you are under a responsibility to behave in a proper, appropriate and legal manner whilst staying at the property with due respect to the us, our staff, the property, and other guests and their property. Astley Vineyard has a low noise policy to protect our neighbours, the wildlife and those living on site. The properties cannot under any circumstances be used for partying, playing loud music or general nuisance behaviour. If you are sitting out at night outside your hut, or around the fire pit, please be aware that noise carries easily, so please keep your voices low.

Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts reserves the right to terminate your stay if we deem such behaviour has occurred. In the event of such a breach, no refund will be made, and if such behaviour is deemed to have occurred an additional fee of £250 will be charged. An additional fee of £150 will be charged for any extra cleaning to a hut. If we believe any behaviour to be illegal, we will refer this to the local police force for further investigation.

6.2 The hirer is responsible for taking all reasonable care of the property and its contents. The property and all equipment, utensils, furniture etc. must be left clean and tidy at the end of the hire period, bins emptied in the appropriate waste bin, and sink fridge and hob to be left clean and empty.

6.3 The hirer is responsible for informing us of any losses or damage to the property as soon as possible. Please note that you will be liable to pay Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts for any losses or damage to the property caused by you or a member of your party due to negligence, wilful damage or irresponsible behaviour. Whilst we expect a degree of wear and tear, we reserve the right to charge you for any costs or expenses we incur due to any breakages.

In the event of any breakages or damage discovered or after you vacate, we will notify you by email or telephone within 10 days of your departure, providing a detailed breakdown of the damage and where possible a cost of rectification. Where possible, photographic evidence will also be supplied.

6.4 When using equipment or facilities, you must safeguard your health and safety, including others. You will be responsible for any loss or injury caused to yourself, other people or the equipment or facilities through your unsafe or improper use of the equipment or facilities (including your use of them whilst under the influence of alcohol or medication) or your failure to advise staff of a medical condition relevant to your use of the equipment or facilities.

6.5 The hirer responsible for booking undertakes that no person will suffer anything to be done which would endanger the policy of our insurers in respect of the apartment and its contents which might make the same void or avoidable.

6.6 In the event of us deeming actions by guests to be inappropriate or illegal we reserve the right refuse any future bookings from you or any members of your party.

  1. Pets

We do not allow pets to stay in Astley Vineyard’s Shepherds Huts. If you do bring a pet, we have the right to refuse you to stay at the Property, and/or may ask you to leave the Property before the end of the holiday period. Please note that this would be without the right to any refund.

  1. Emergency Callouts

An emergency number is provided to give guests a direct line to a representative of Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts out of office hours. This number is only to be used for emergencies (eg: Flood, Fire, Power Cut, Accident Serious Illness and Lost Keys). If the number is used for any non-emergency reason, we reserve the right to charge the guest a call out fee of £150.00.

  1. Special requests

If you have any special requests (for example dietary requirements, allergy, cots or room location), please let us know at the time of booking. We will endeavour to help with requests as best we can, but we cannot guarantee that they will be met, and we will have no liability to you if they are not.

  1. Maximum Numbers and use of the property

10.1 Please note that except by prior arrangement confirmed in writing, only the number of persons specified on a booking confirmation may occupy a property. We reserve the right to refuse admittance or revoke a booking if this condition is not observed and you will not receive any refund.

10.2 Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts reserves the right to sue the guest for any loss, damage or injury caused to the Owner, their staff, the property or to other guests and/or their property.

10.3 Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts only supplies the property for domestic and private use. You agree not to use the property for any commercial, business or re-sale purpose without prior written permission, and we have no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.

10.4 Guests to Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts may use the vineyard car park as part of their stay. Cars must not be left outside the duration of the booking without prior permission. If cars are left without permission, we reserve the right to charge £15 per day for each vehicle.

  1. Check In / Out & Keys

11.1 Check-in is from 3.00 pm and Check-out is by 11.00 am. Exceptions to these times must be agreed in advance with Astley Vineyard Shepherds Huts and which will be confirmed in writing.

11.2 On arrival, guest will be issued with one set of keys to their accommodation and any necessary codes for estate gates. The guests are responsible for that set of keys for the duration of their stay but must ensure the keys are returned at check out. In the event of keys not being returned, we reserve the right to charge guests for lock replacement, key replacement and gate lock replacement - £50.00.

11.3 If there is a delay in departing, Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts reserve the right to charge for an additional night’s stay for every day the keys are not returned. In the event of a late check-out or refusal to vacate the hut by the booked check-out time, we reserve the right to remove all persons and property from the hut. Any items left in a hut past the agreed departure time are left at the owners’ risk – we accept no responsibility for these items and reserve the right to remove and store them.

11.5 Lost property is kept in storage for no longer than 30 days and safekeeping is not guaranteed. Lost property can be posted back to you at your own cost with prior agreement and Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts will not accept any liability for any items that go missing.

  1. Security Of Tenure

All the properties are occupied as short stay accommodation and on this basis no rights of tenancy are created - they are exempt from security of tenure under the Rent Act. Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts reserves the right to access accommodation and or terminate your stay at any time without prior notice if it deems necessary.

  1. Pricing

13.1 Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts reserve the right to amend advertised prices at any time. We also reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices.

13.2 Rates are set per place in GB pounds. If this has been converted into the currency of your preference online, until the payment stage this will be an estimation only, based on a recent exchange rate.

13.3 Discounts and promotional rates. All promotional codes promoted and distributed by Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts via web/email/print/phone are subject to change/expiry/refusal at any time. Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts reserve the right to change/refuse the details of promotions without notice. All valid promotions/discounts are added to the order before payment when booking; this allows clients to see whether the promotion has been added to the order.

13.4 Prices do not include any additional services, features or facilities unless they have been specifically included as part of a promotion to your booking. Additional charges may apply for these services, features and activities. Please note that an additional separate agreement with activities booked with one of our external partners may be required.

  1. Complaints & Procedure

We always aim to provide the best possible holiday experience, however, if you have any complaint or problems during your stay, please immediately notify us during the stay itself, so that we have the opportunity to resolve the problem at the time. If you do not follow this procedure, there will be less opportunity for us to investigate and resolve your complaint and to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Delays may also mean that the amount of compensation you may be entitled to, may be reduced or negated.

Whether or not your complaint is dealt with satisfactorily, please also let us know of the problem as soon as possible by emailing or speaking to a member of staff on site. We will aim to respond within 1 working day to acknowledge your email. We will then review your feedback and investigate the complaint. This may involve discussing your concerns with us, revising the website listing for inaccuracies, and reviewing previous guest feedback and internal inspection notes. This process can take time to complete, so please allow 10 working days for a final response. Due to data protection, we can only discuss the complaint and booking details with the lead booker

Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts shall not have any liability for any complaint submitted more than 48 hours after the completion of the rental period.

We also welcome you to fill in our feedback survey which will be sent to you via email after you check out. It is important for us to gather as much information as possible about the experiences our guests are having.

  1. Information & Accuracy

All information supplied by Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts, is given in good faith and is based on information available at the time. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of any statement made either in writing or otherwise, but Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts is not liable for any variation however caused. Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts have the right to add or remove any of its services or facilities without prior notice.

15.1 The information and prices shown on our website vary from time to time and may change between the time you first view a property and make a booking. You should check that all the details are as you expect prior to making a booking. If changes are made after you have made a booking, we reserve the right to contact you with details of the correct information and/or pricing and will give you the option to:

(1) proceed with the booking based on the correct information and/or pricing, which may require the payment of an additional amount by you OR  (2) subject to availability, change your booking dates to dates when the pricing can be honoured and so no additional charge to you. If a lower price can be offered for alternative dates then the difference would be refunded  OR  (3) cancel the Booking. If we do not receive your instructions within 5 days of contacting you, we reserve the right to cancel your booking without liability to you.

15.2 Our website may link to other websites and we are not responsible for the data policies, content or security of these web sites

  1. Included items

Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts may provide toiletries and condiments on arrival - these are complementary and provided at our discretion. Toiletries, condiments etc will not be replenished throughout the stay.

As standard, Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts will, but is not obliged to, provide the following on arrival; washing up liquid, one toilet roll per bathroom, one kitchen cloth, one bin bag, hand soap in the bathroom, & complimentary condiments.

Extra bed linen can be provided at a cost of £25.00 per set (a set consists of 4 pillow cases, 1 duvet cover, 1 flat/fitted sheet). Extra towels can be provided at a cost of £15.00 per set (a set consists of 2 bath towels & 2 hand towels). Extra linen must be ordered 9 am and 6 pm, and can only be delivered within these hours.

  1. Injury or Loss

Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts cannot be held responsible for any personal injury to any guests while in one of our huts. Nor can we be held responsible for loss or damage to personal effects howsoever arising at the accommodation. Neither we, nor our representatives, can be held responsible for any circumstances beyond our control including, but not limited to, mechanical breakdown, illness or failure of any public service supply. We cannot be liable for the theft of or damage to your vehicle or its contents on our car park during your stay.

  1. Right of Access

We aim to carry out any maintenance and repairs on change over days. Still, should there be an emergency that we consider may pose a risk to our guests or staff’s health or safety, we reserve the right to carry out inspections and emergency maintenance work during your stay. We will seek to ensure that any such facility or service is reinstated as soon as practicable. In this instance, no refund or compensation will be given.

  1. Smoking

Smoking and vapes are not permitted in the huts or in the Pavilion & BBQ area. A surcharge of £250 will be made if evidence of smoking is discovered in the huts.

  1. Fire Safety

Fire Pits are provided for cooking and campfires but must not be left unattended, must be fully extinguished after use and the lid replaced and must not be moved from their designated location. The door on the log burner in huts must be kept shut when in use. Paraffin lamps and candles are not permitted inside our huts. Please be aware that fire pits and wood-burning stoves may be hazardous if misused. Use of these facilities is entirely at the members of your party’s own risk.

Each hut is fitted with a smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detector, and fire blanket

  1. VAT Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts is not registered for VAT in which case no tax is payable.

22. Visa, passport and health requirements

Unless you tell us otherwise, we assume that all members of your party are British citizens who hold or will hold full British passports valid for the entire duration of the international booking. If you are booking from a country other than the UK, it is the guests’ responsibility to meet all visa, passport and health requirements. Requirements may change and you are therefore strongly recommended to check the up-to-date position with the Passport Office, appropriate embassy or consulate or your doctor as applicable in good time before the commencement of your holiday. Prior to international travel it is your responsibility to check whether it is safe to travel by visiting the F.C.O website

  1. Limitations of Liability 

Astley Vineyard Shepherds Huts, its staff and agents shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by them or their property, howsoever caused, save in respect of death or personal injury to the extent caused by the negligence of Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts, its staff and agents. All items brought into Astley Vineyard are brought and left entirely at your risk. This is not intended to affect any mandatory rights you may have under local law that we cannot legally restrict or exclude.

We shall have no responsibility for loss, damage, or injury related to any services, features or facilities provided or supplied by third parties. It would be best if you established separate arrangements with those third parties

  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions have been drafted in accordance with and are governed by English law and the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any and all disputes arising out of these Terms & Conditions.

  1. Validity clause

If a court finds that a condition in these Terms & Conditions is illegal or void, the illegal or void provision will be severed from the remainder of the Terms & Conditions, which will continue to be valid and have full force and effect.

  1. Events beyond Astley Vineyard Shepherd Huts control [Force Majeure]

If we, as owners, are prevented or delayed from complying with any of our obligations under these Terms & Conditions or a contract for a booking due to events or circumstances beyond our reasonable control, the inability or delay in performing those obligations will not be treated as a breach of these Terms & Conditions or a contract for a booking. Examples of such events or circumstances include fire, flood and other acts of God, strikes, trade disputes, lock outs, restrictions of imports or exports, riot, accident, disruption to energy supplies, civil commotion, acts of terrorism or war, pandemic (including Covid-19), any national/local/regional government restrictions.


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